Best Crystals and Stones for Tarot & Oracle Card Reading

Best Crystals and Stones for Tarot & Oracle Card Reading

Enhance Your Tarot & Oracle Card Readings

There can be multiple roadblocks present between you and precise tarot readings. Some of them could be physical environment related while others could be energy based. Your readings can be readily distorted by negative or sluggish energies, which could result in uncertainty and possibly poor decision-making. If you want to sort your tarot readings and create an aura of helpful energy, stick with us to know more about the best crystals for tarot reading that you can use.

These crystals will enhance your psychic finesse. And because tarot reading is associated with the energies of zodiac, the crystals for tarot exhibit very dynamic colours and properties.

These are the best crystals for tarot reading:

1. Selenite – Selenite is the crystal for tarot reading’s first step: purification. This means paving a way to get inspiration from the spiritual realm, and build mental calmness. Selenite is strong enough to absorb negative energy from its surroundings. It will assist in bringing your emotions into harmony and purging the energy from your tarot deck before your next reading because it is connected to the celestial power.

2. Tiger’s eye – Tiger's eye is an integral supportive stone for tarot reading as increases bravery, self-worth, confidence, and optimistic thinking. These are the traits that a reader should have while performing a reading. When performing a tarot reading, doubt and worry can make it difficult to interpret the cards that are being dealt to you, thus this stone can be quite helpful.'

3. Angelite - Angelite has the control to welcome your guides and blessed messengers in to bolster you amid your perusing so that they may give back, shrewdness, or clarity. Hence, this crystal will make your experiences truly relieving, so if you feel to be on your edge, it will make you strong and determined.

4. Fluorite - Fluorite will permit you to grasp your strength, upgrading your self-confidence as a tarot card user or reader. Eventually, this will offer assistance to advance fruitful results when perusing for yourself or for somebody else. This charges you with the zest to balance rationale and instinct together with your natural direction for the finest results.

5. Malachite – Malachite is very important for readings that are into psychological and emotional issues. After clearing a clear path for your journey into the reading of fate, malachite will aid in articulating insights and messages effectively, which can be valuable when interpreting and conveying the results of a tarot reading.

6. Amazonite – Amazonite is another one of the best crystals for tarot card reading. This stone stimulates your third eye chakra and crown chakra which is very important in getting insights. It is recommended to be held in your hand while you perform the reading and deal with the cards.

Frequently asked questions:

Q- Are these the only stones or crystals that can be used for tarot reading?

A- No, there are multiple stones that can be used for tarot reading. All of them serve different purposes and these purposes can overlap as well. The stones that are listed here are the top picks and the best ones for tarot reading. Apart from this, tarot reading experience also factors in as an important determinant for a good and accurate reading.

Q- How to use crystals for tarot reading?

A- To use crystals for tarot reading, you have to understand the functionalities and requirements in the process of a reading. Depending upon the need, the reader can incorporate different crystals for purposes like purification, clarification, repelling negative energies, gaining spiritual energy, etc.

Q- Can crystals be used to cleanse a tarot deck?

A- Crystals can indeed be used to cleanse and recharge your tarot deck. To do this, place the deck on or near a cleansing crystal like selenite or clear quartz. Leave the deck there for a few hours or overnight. Selenite is known for its powerful cleansing properties, while clear quartz can amplify the cleansing process. This practice helps clear any residual energies and refresh the deck for future readings.


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