The First House of Astrology: Personality, and Healing Crystals

The First House of Astrology: Personality, and Healing Crystals

The first house of the astrology is ruled by the zodiac signs of Aries and Mars, and this relationship infuses this house with an energetic, pioneering vibe that thrives on self-expression and confidence. The First House sets the tone for your life's journey, acting as the foundation of your astrological chart. Many people do not know that this house also governs your physical body, your overall approach to life, and the first impressions you make on others. 

Hence, the First House is all about you. This house is the starting point of the zodiac: your personality, your appearance, and how you present yourself to the world. Known as the House of Self, it's like the cosmic mirror, reflecting how you view yourself and how others perceive you. 

In order to fix or maybe strengthen your house of self, you can boost your confidence, study your deepest beliefs, and strive to reach your full potential.

Some important details about the first house of astrology

  • You should not be feeling unsure of yourself or not feeling like hiding your best self because of the fear of judgement or failure,
  • You have to remove those limiting beliefs and light the way forward for an open house of self. 
  • You should express your full individuality by tackling any negative impacts and not absorb any negative vibrations.
  • A good test of your house of self is when you have to stay strongly in your own personality in external pressure. 

Crystals that can shake up this house for good

1. Garnet: It originates the flame inside you. This red crystal has the quality of grounding the enthusiastic floor in you that illuminates the roots of identity. Known to boost self-confidence and increase courage, it helps you reach your full potential. If you're feeling stuck or unsure of how to express yourself, Garnet is just the cosmic spark you need to rediscover your inner flame. 

2. Rainbow Moonstone: Often linked to the energy of the moon, it helps to clarify your character and your deep desires of your soul. It helps you connect with your inner wisdom, promote self -acceptance, and move forward with emotional clearness. Its soft shine and calm energy are essential items for those who are trying to step into the real version of themselves.

3. Citrine: Citrine, a sunny crystal, emits splendid and confident energy that raises the first house at a completely new level. It enhances optimism, personal power and creativity. It's perfect for those who want to feel more confident and in the spotlight. It's also a crystal of abundance and helps you adopt a success mindset. 

4. Black Tourmaline: Although it is not a relevant crystal on the self expression side of the first house, Black Tourmaline is a valuable asset to protect your personal energy. Black Tourmaline is essential when you have to establish limits or eliminate energetic size, allowing you to remain authentic and not disturbed when you sail in life.

Frequently asked questions on the first house of astrology

Q: If my first house is not at its best, can it be fixed? 

A: Yes, of course you can! Your first house, especially if it's poorly directed, may need a little touch of your will and healing of some crystals. Crystals such as garnet and citrine can provide that extra boost, as well as self-awareness. Therapy, self-care routines, and building your inner confidence can completely change the way you present yourself.

Q: Does my first house change as I get older? 

A: It can. As you grow, your first house will be transformed based on your experience. It's not just your personality or appearance, over time, you may find that your outward expression evolves, your physical body and identity changing as you learn more about who you really are.

Q: Will wearing crystals like moonstone or citrine change my personality? 

A: Well, the crystals do not change it completely, but these crystals, of course, can help reveal the aspects of your personality, which have been hidden or deleted. They serve as catalysts for growth, helping you more to correspond to your natural essence. Changes are expected, but they will be in alignment with who you really are.

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