Have you been wondering about the colorful healing stones and their sizes? Whenever you are getting a new crystal you must get confused for a bit regarding the crystal’s size. This blog is all about your doubts regarding which size of crystal you should pick. If you are aware of crystals then you would have seen or at least heard about the different sizes of crystals. People often pick the crystal size only on the basis of the usage and do not think much about the crystal’s functioning.
You should not make this mistake and pick the crystal size after looking after the following as well:
- First, obviously take care of the purpose for which you are buying the crystal. For jewelry or wearing or meditation, generally small sized crystals are worn or used.
- If you need some strong energy and if you have already picked a strongly vibrating crystal like garnet or black tourmaline, then a medium sized crystal would work for a room, and a small sized crystal would be enough for using personally.
- If you are using crystals for medical purposes where it is important to put the crystal in contact with your body, it becomes very vital to select the size of the crystal.
- Physical injuries would require big sized chunks of crystals like green aventurine, or precious stones like ruby, etc.
Frequently asked questions on the size of the crystals
Q: Can a crystal's size affect how it behaves when placed under my pillow or deep inside a bag or rug?
A: Absolutely! The bigger the crystal, the stronger dreams you might have in your entire crystal dreamscape. While a giant crystal might amplify your energy, it can also work similarly even if you do not take it out of the bag much.
Q: Does soil cleansing work better on bigger crystals?
A: No, soil cleansing works equally on every crystal.
Q: Can a crystal of a huge size make my intentions more powerful, or should I stick to something smaller, in order to fit it in my palms?
A: While a huge crystal size could certainly make a bold statement by being more powerful, it’s the intention behind the crystal that mostly counts. You can put the crystal either in your hand or keep it next to you while meditating. A smaller crystal, like a pearl-sized one, will still work wonders as long as your intentions are strong.